JavaScript: Sign in a user through SSO

Attempts a single-sign on using an enterprise Identity Provider. A successful SSO attempt will redirect the current page to the identity provider authorization page. The redirect URL is implementation and SSO protocol specific.



Sign in with email domain

  // You can extract the user's email domain and use it to trigger the
  // authentication flow with the correct identity provider.

  const \{ data, error \} = await supabase.auth.signInWithSSO(\{
    domain: ''

  if (data?.url) \{
    // redirect the user to the identity provider's authentication flow
    window.location.href = data.url

Sign in with provider UUID

  // Useful when you need to map a user's sign in request according
  // to different rules that can't use email domains.

  const \{ data, error \} = await supabase.auth.signInWithSSO(\{
    providerId: '21648a9d-8d5a-4555-a9d1-d6375dc14e92'

  if (data?.url) \{
    // redirect the user to the identity provider's authentication flow
    window.location.href = data.url